Items needed Suggested list of SCA: A scale, a coffee grinder, water, a kettle, a cup or bowl, a spoon, a timer or two, paper towels, a pen or pencil, cupping forms, a container and a work table. SCA experts recommend using a bright, spacious room that is quiet and free of any specific scents. During the cupping, the room should be quiet and free of distractions so that the participants can give their full attention to the cupping process. The accuracy of the tool you use is an indication of the accuracy of your cupping. For all samples, use cups of the same size and type (glass or ceramic), because this action always makes the ratio of dry coffee to water the same, and in addition, the amount of temperature exchange between the liquid and the cup does not change.Cuping steps: 1️⃣ First, clean the grinder from the previous coffee because it may contaminate your sample coffees. 2️⃣ Different samples are usually prepared separately to ensure consistency and uniformity, while each sample is weighed separately. We separate and grind 11.5 grams of sample coffee, along with 185 grams of purified water (about 1:16 ratio) at 95°C, says the SCA. Also the size of the mill is very important, water temperature, brewing ratio, error rate (lack thereof) and many other factors. 3️⃣ Smell some of the dry ground coffee and write down its aromatic characteristics. Don’t waste time: you should add water to dry coffee no later than 15 minutes after grinding.4️⃣ Set a timer so that the time between adding water, breaking the crust on the surface of the cup and tasting it is clear. (Crust is the relatively clear layer on your brewed coffee that contains incompletely extracted coffees that cause off-flavors and variable flavors in your cupping.) 5️⃣ You have to break the crust layer or in simpler words, remove it. Usually 3 to 5 minutes after brewing With the edge of two spoons, push back the crust layer like rowing a boat. Repeat this action 3 times so that it does not touch the bottom of the container. Pushing back this layer is done with a cupping spoon. (More information in the next post on Saturday 3th December..)
SCA cupping method 2
